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February 12-14, 2021
GAGE Center |Blue Springs, MO
Remote Viewing Options
Live Streaming | Zoom
Spot TV (closed circuit TV)
Click event to view
Download the free mobile app "Spot TV Family"
Complete your registration using whatever login and password you want
The gym you would choose is GAGE Center
Create a pin code using whatever you want
The class you want to view is "Dragon Invitational"
A registration request will come through to us for approval. It says you will receive a confirmation that you have been approved but we have found this is not happening. We will approve people as fast as we can for access.
DO NOT TAKE A SCREENSHOT, VIDEO, TRY TO MIRROR IT TO YOUR TV OR ANYTHING LIKE THAT OR SPOT TV WILL KICK YOU OFF. Just a warning. we are not able to fix this on our end, you need to contact Spot TV.
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